In Elleria, when I reflect on the word "religion", I've witnessed the unsettling reality of fanatics across all faiths claiming their actions as a divine decree. Within sermons, I've heard the rantings of madness, while the desires of mere mortals are often misconstrued as the will of God. True holiness is found in righteous deeds, the bravery to stand up, and the pursuit of goodness and justice. Sadly, in our current times, such virtues seem scarce, overshadowed by the noise of fanaticism and self-interest. There's perhaps no truer battleground than the war of faith, for if individuals won't stand for their beliefs, what else warrants the fight? You've borne witness to it, immersed in its midst. Once a devout man, championing his convictions, as a hero... yet his motivations were skewed, his actions misguided. But if given the chance to rewrite history, would the script remain unchanged? Enter the tale of Eliot Magnus, once revered as a faithful Paladin, a paragon of heroism. Yet even heroes can succumb to the shadows, transformed into villains by noble intentions tainted by past missteps.